International Yoga Day is celebrated every year on June 21 to raise awareness about the health benefits of practicing yoga.
Yoga is a meditative practice that began over 3,000 years ago and combines attentiveness, focused breathing, and physical exercise. From improved mental and emotional health to relief from pain, weight loss, and chronic conditions, yoga has become an integral part of the treatment plan for many.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, the world has witnessed a surge in sleep disorders. Several factors such as changes in routines, increase in screen time, alcohol consumption, and work stress have affected the sleep patterns of millions of people around the world.
Studies have shown that more than 55% of yoga practitioners report improved sleep and over 85% report reduced stress. On this International Yoga Day, learn more about yoga postures that can help you treat sleep disorders.
1. Surya Namaskar: It is a sequence of 12 powerful yoga poses, highly recommended for a positive impact on the body and mind. Surya Namaskar or sun salutation is a great cardiovascular workout that helps relax the muscles of the body and calm the mind, resulting in a good night’s sleep.
You can learn the 12 poses involved in Surya Namaskar here:
2. Yashtikasana: Yashtikasana, also known as stick posture, helps in stretching the spine, relaxing the body, and reducing the discomforts from muscle stiffness that might disrupt sleep. It is the best yoga posture that can be practiced before bed.
3. Bhramari Pranayama: The calming breathing practice, also known by the name Humming Bee Breath, quietens the mind, soothes the nerves, and relieves stress and anxiety. Bhramari stands for “bee” in Sanskrit, and the practice gets its name from the humming sound produced at the back of the throat during the exercise.
Follow the steps to practice Bhramari:
4. Bhadrasana: Bhadrasana is a good meditation posture that helps improve blood flow. It also helps relieve fatigued muscles and ease…
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