Struggling To Stay Focused? Experts Say Protein-Rich Breakfast Enhances Satiety, Improves Concentration

Struggling to stay focused during the day? Maybe it’s time to reconsider your breakfast choices. Researchers say a protein-rich breakfast may help you feel more satiated and improve concentration.

Protein in the diet is essential for growth and repair. Amino acids, the building block of protein, help build and fix muscles and bones, create hormones and enzymes, and even provide energy when needed. Protein from food comes from plant and animal sources such as meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, seeds, nuts, and legumes.

A dairy-based, high-protein, low-carbohydrate breakfast could help improve satiety without affecting the total daily energy intake, according to the findings of a Danish study published in the Journal of Dairy Science.

The researchers of the study noted that those who followed a high-protein diet performed better in cognitive concentration tests before lunch compared to those who took a low-protein high-carbohydrate breakfast and those who skipped breakfast.

Earlier studies have shown that individuals who eat breakfast tend to have a lower BMI compared to those who skip it. Additionally, protein-rich foods have been associated with better satiety compared to foods high in carbohydrates or fats, even when they have a similar calorie content.

The recent study, therefore, investigated whether starting the day with a protein-rich breakfast could be an effective strategy for improving satiety throughout the day, potentially leading to a reduction in overall daily calorie intake.

“We found that a protein-rich breakfast with skyr (a sour milk product) and oats increased satiety and concentration in the participants, but it did not reduce the overall energy intake compared to skipping breakfast or eating a carbohydrate-rich breakfast,” said Mette Hansen, one of the authors of the study.

The findings were made after analyzing 30 obese women between the ages of 18 and 30 for three days. During the study period, the participants either consumed a high-protein…

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