Eating disorders, which encompass serious and sometimes life-threatening conditions, impact individuals of all backgrounds, disturbing their eating patterns. In the United States, an estimated 28 million people will experience it during their lifetime.
As we observe Eating Disorders Awareness Week, we at Medical Daily engaged experts to bring a better understanding of binge eating, one of the most common eating disorders, shedding light on its signs and offering effective management strategies.
Overeating Vs Binge eating- Know the difference:
Overeating and binge eating are two distinct behaviors, although they may share some similarities, according to Libby Supan, a certified intuitive eating coach and licensed marriage and family therapist from Long Beach, California.
“Overeating refers to consuming more food than one’s body needs at a given meal or snack, often leading to discomfort or feeling overly full. On the other hand, binge eating is a specific disordered eating behavior by recurrent episodes of consuming large quantities of food in a short period, accompanied by a feeling of loss of control and distress,” Supan told Medical Daily.
The concept of ‘overeating’ is subjective, varying among individuals due to factors like cultural norms and individual metabolism. Unlike occasional overeating, binge eating is characterized by frequent episodes, even without physical hunger, and can lead to a serious disorder that requires professional intervention.
“It’s crucial to understand the distinction between the two, as binge eating disorder is a recognized mental health condition that warrants specialized care and support,” she said.
The feeling of being “compulsive and out of control when around food or when eating,” makes binge eating different from overeating, Nicole Cruz, an anti-diet registered dietitian and family nutrition consultant told Medical Daily.
“Overeating is simply eating past your fullness, while binge eating is eating done in a short period on larger…
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