Caribbean pols overwhelmingly re-elected in general elections

Several Caribbean Democratic legislators were overwhelmingly re-elected or elected unopposed for New York City Council seats in Tuesday’s general elections.

According to preliminary results from New York City’s Board of Elections, incumbent Caribbean candidates in Brooklyn – Farah N. Louis, Crystal Hudson, Rita Joseph and Mercedes Nacisse – won their re-election either unopposed or handsomely.

Chris Banks, whose mother is a Trinidadian immigrant, ran unopposed for the 42nd Council District in Brooklyn.

With 304 write-in ballots, or 3.44 percent, Louis, the daughter of Haitian and Bahamian immigrants, was overwhelmingly re-elected to the 45th Council District.

She received 8,524 votes, or 96.56 percent, with 97.74 percent of scanners reported.

In the 35th Council District in Brooklyn, Crystal Hudson – the daughter and granddaughter of Jamaican and Honduran immigrants, who ran on the Democratic Party and Working Families Party’s lines – was re-elected with 1,3448 votes, or 97.31 percent.

There were 372 write-in ballots, or 2.69 percent, with 99.0 percent of the scanners reported.

In the 40th Council District, Haitian-born Joseph, who had taught public schools in Brooklyn for 22 years, also ran on the Democratic and Working Families Party’s lines.

Challenged by Daniel B. Lally, of the Medical Freedom Party, Joseph received 10, 857 votes, or 96.17 percent, to Lally’s 321 votes, or 2.84 percent.

There were 111 write-in ballots, or 0.98 percent, with 99.0 of scanners reported.

Another Haitian-born incumbent, Narcisse, a registered nurse by training, was re-elected in the 46th Council District in a three-way race.

Narcisse was challenged by Republican/Conservative Michael J. Moran  and Adlerette Kebreau of Kebreau 4 Council.

With 69 write-in ballots, or 0.62 percent, Narcisse garnered 7,268 votes or 65.18 percent; Moran received 3,599 votes, or  32.28 percent; and Kebreau only mustered 214 votes, or 1.92 percent.

Newcomer Banks, who had…

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