FDNY commissioner announces recognition for members who served during height of COVID-19 pandemic




Commissioner Kavanagh presided over Medal Day at the U.S. Tennis Center at Flushing Meadows Corona Park last month.

Courtesy of the FDNY

Few in Queens will forget when the borough was known as the โ€œepicenter of the epicenterโ€ during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic when the only sounds coming from the streets were the sirens and gunned engines of FDNY EMS ambulances rushing the stricken to Elmhurst Hospital and other emergency facilities. The EMS and paramedics who worked endless shifts on those rigs and often slept in their own cars rather than subject their families to the coronavirus havenโ€™t forgotten and neither has FDNY Commissioner Laura Kavanagh.

In a message to the members of the FDNY on July 18, she announced that all who served during the darkest days and nights of the pandemic will be recognized for all they did for the city.

โ€œFor more than two years, our EMTs, Paramedics, firefighters, officers and all our civilian staff continued to show up for work, treating the sickest among us and responding to fires, despite fighting an invisible enemy,โ€ Kavanagh wrote. โ€œThe care and concern displayed for others was, and always is, exceptional. We know there are many among us who became ill themselves and suffered personal losses, and yet returned to duty. This resiliency and dedication to the mission has not gone unnoticed.โ€

Kavanagh announced that every FDNY member who worked during the pandemic would be presented with a COVID Campaign Ribbon or lapel pin as a thank you from the Department for their service during the public health emergency.

โ€œIn the FDNY, we pride ourselves in showing up for all emergencies, big and small, no matter the time or place,โ€ Kavanagh continued. โ€œWe show up when others turn away and we do it every single time we respond. We have done that for more than 150 years, and, most recently, we did it bravely and selflessly in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.โ€

The commissionerโ€™s message drew a mixed…

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