MTA’s Queens bus network redesign plan comes under fire by transportation advocates  

The final plan for a complete redesign of the Queens bus network was unveiled on Dec. 12.

Photo by Marc A. Hermann / MTA

Advocates standing up for elderly, disabled and low-income bus riders brought up several issues with the MTA’s proposed plan to redesign the entire Queens bus network during a virtual meeting held by a transit advocacy group on Thursday. 

About a dozen participants who familiarized themselves with the MTA’s $30 million bus plan, which was unveiled in December, say that its proposed removal of over a thousand bus stops will hurt riders. While the MTA hopes to give riders faster and more consistent service, while also combatting low ridership, advocates argue that it has failed to consider vulnerable groups.

The meeting, called Speak Out and hosted by Passengers United, an advocacy group promoting accessibility and sustainability in public transit, advocates criticized the MTA’s overarching plan. They say changes under the new plan will exacerbate existing transit deserts and make many buses less accessible for riders, forcing them to walk further to their nearest stop. 

The plan’s removal of several bus routes that were flagged by the MTA for low ridership also came under fire. However, much of the focus dealt with the removal of bus stops, which the MTA says will lead to the creation of new “rush” routes. 

Throughout the three-hour long meeting, the advocates frequently cited a quote by a Houston, Texas based transportation advocate who sits on several national transportation committees.

“If you are able-bodied, it becomes easy to say ‘Remove a bus stop to speed up the buses; walking two extra blocks is not a big deal,” said Veronica Davis, in her book, Inclusive Transportation: A Manifesto for Repairing Divided Communities. 

While some argue that having bus routes that stop on every block is inefficient, advocates fighting for a transportation system easily accessible for all residents say it is necessary to…

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