Report: Fresh Meadows residents spend over $10K more in rent per year than U.S. average




A report compiled by doxoINSIGHTS shows that Fresh Meadows residents are paying $10,260 more in rent per year than the U.S. average. The report estimates that 46% of these residentsโ€™ income goes towards paying bills.

According to the report, the average monthly rent in Fresh Meadows amounts to $2,901. This equates to $34,817 per year. Household expenses are also an estimated 41.8% higher than the U.S. average. Of all the towns in New York state, Fresh Meadows is the 92nd-most expensive when it comes to household expenses.

At $2,723 per month and $32,676 per year, bills in Queens County are $8,119 more expensive than the U.S. average, making it the 10th-most expensive county in New York State for household expenses, according to the report. These expenses are 33.1% higher than the countryโ€™s average and 45% of a typical householdโ€™s annual income of $73,118 goes toward bills.

Bills in New York City as a whole are $14,390 higher than the U.S. average per year. With the average household in NYC paying $3,246 per month in bills, this equates to $38,947 per year. The household expenses here are 58.6% higher than the U.S. average and household bills account for 39% of annual income.

New York state ranks 20th in the country on the amount of income used to pay bills. With an average household income of $78,147 and $29,936 spent annually on average for bills, this equates to 38% of income dedicated to paying bills.

Read the full article here


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