Dear Abby: He still pays for his grown kids. Is this right?


I have been dating a wonderful man for two years. He has two grown children, 27 and 21. Both have good jobs and work full time. I have a son who is 12. The issue is family vacations, and paying for things while on vacation.

I feel that since his children are adults, they should help pay for meals, lodging and activities. Iโ€™m not saying pay for the entire bill, but throw in $20 for a meal or even offer to pay for something. Donโ€™t just expect him or me to pay because itโ€™s a family vacation. My 12-year-old paid for his meals on his own because he thinks itโ€™s cool — it made him feel responsible and like an adult. We took a vacation with his 21-year-old, and not once did she offer to pay, or even say thank you.

We get into arguments about this before vacations. I know theyโ€™re not my kids, but what heโ€™s teaching them is that Dad will always pay for everything, even when they have families of their own. Please advise. — MIFFED IN MINNESOTA


Your gentleman friendโ€™s โ€œchildrenโ€ behave this way because they have been taught to by their father, who appears to enjoy being the beneficent provider. If youโ€™re smart, you will quit starting arguments about this because the dynamic isnโ€™t going to change, and he will grow to resent you for it. If you persist, you may wind up ruining your relationship with a โ€œwonderfulโ€ man.

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My husband and I have no kids. His family (sister, cousins, etc.) hosts family gatherings two to four times a month. My husband and I both work. My own family does not have many gatherings. I have a hobby I would like to pursue, and Iโ€™m considering pursuing it more deeply when I retire. He complains that I want to spend whatโ€™s left of our weekend on it. I canโ€™t seem to get across to my husband that although I like his family, I donโ€™t want to see them to the exclusion of my hobbies and our collective interests. He and his parents expect me at all of these events. I go, and when I do, I have a…

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