Dear Annie: Husband opens door for her, but not for me. Spends time alone with other women.

Dear Annie:

My husband — who is loving, hardworking and helpful around the house — slights me from time to time. I believe he loves me, but these slights really hurt and began to become a pattern about 12 years ago.

It happened for the first time in our marriage when his ex-girlfriend from 35 years ago showed up in our social circle. He would sit right next to her at events โ€œbecause I was talking to othersโ€ or โ€œalready sitting.โ€ When I told him I had saved him a seat and it would have been nice if we would have sat together and that I felt slighted and discounted, he said, โ€œWell, I havenโ€™t seen her in years, and I wanted to catch up.โ€ Then, at several following events, it was the same way.

I trust my husband, so I didnโ€™t say much until the ex-girlfriend would come to talk to him, not even acknowledging me. It was then that I finally spoke up and said, โ€œIโ€™m not understanding why sheโ€™s so important to you, and I feel disrespected.โ€

Then, during the pandemic, he was consistently over at his motherโ€™s doing projects and having meals whenever he wasnโ€™t at work. I even voiced that I was feeling isolated working from home so it would be nice if he could spend at least one day of the weekend with me and have an occasional meal together. We planned to have dinner together, and just before our scheduled dinner, he said he was going to his motherโ€™s for pizza.

Now one of my childhood friends has moved back to our state, and as we reconnected, my husband and her would get into discussions about outdoor activities. Next thing I know he is inviting her hunting (I donโ€™t hunt). The first time they went it was with another buddy. I learned about it after the invite, the day before they were going, so there was no discussion. The next week it was just the two of them. I asked that he not spend time with her alone, stating that, after all, I donโ€™t hang with other men alone. He did respect that request.

The most recent slight happened when we were going…

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