When my doctor told me that as a vegetarian I needed a B12 supplement, I didn’t take it seriously, and went with nutritional yeast to supply it. I had always read that supplements are unreliable and it’s better to get your vitamins and minerals from a food source. Well, I became extremely anemic with a very low B12 level, probably related to having depleted my B12 storage over 25 years. When we hear the pleas to go vegetarian, why can’t it also be impressed upon people that B12 supplementation may be required? — M.R.
People who eat a mostly plant-based diet but who also eat eggs, cheese or fish are not at risk for dietary vitamin B12 deficiency. People who are strictly vegan are at risk, and do need to supplement vitamin B12. I seldom see dietary B12 deficiency in my practice, because most people who are vegetarian aren’t strict enough to get B12 deficiency — very small amounts are needed for prevention — and those who are strict mostly know that they need to supplement. The body contains nearly three years’ worth of B12, so deficiency can take a long time to show up after starting a strict vegan diet.
Nutritional yeast is a source of B12, but only when it contains supplemental B12. Vitamin B12 is found only in animal products. I wonder if you were using a nonfortified nutritional yeast. Of course, it is possible to have a low B12 level due to poor absorption. The most common cause is pernicious anemia, an autoimmune condition where the body cannot make a cofactor to help absorb vitamin B12. Monthly injections of B12 or high doses of oral B12 are both effective treatments for this condition. It can be diagnosed by antibody tests.
A vegan diet can be a very healthy option, but you are absolutely right to emphasize the importance of supplemental B12.
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Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to
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