STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — Summertime is usually when you need to be more vigilant with your pets, but autumn also brings its fair share of problems. Make sure you’re prepared as the season is about to change now, and be aware of the possible hazards that this season attracts. From holiday foods to outdoor pests, the end of the year is no time to let your guard down, so here are a few things to keep in mind.
1. Acorns and Oak Leaves
You’ll see plenty of these lying around in the autumn, and they can be deadly to dogs. These small nuts can seriously disrupt your dog’s stomach and gastrointestinal health. If your dog has kidney disease, the acids in an acorn aggravate their condition further. Oak leaves are also problematic for dogs, depending on their weight and how many they’ve eaten. Pets that have consumed either of these might have bloody diarrhea. Check with your veterinarian immediately.
2. Pesticides
Some animals prepare for hibernation, while others prepare nests for their new offspring. Trying to rid your home of mice can be deadly for your pet. Although it’s a bit of a sad situation, most people feel that pesticides are a necessary evil, as mice, especially, can take over your home.
3. Halloween sweets
Autumn brings the fun and spooky time of Halloween (and other) parties, which means that sweets and chocolate are available in large quantities everywhere. Most people know that chocolate can be deadly when eaten by canines, but other candies contain a harmful chemical called “xylitol” as well, which is equally bad for your pup. Be mindful of what they can get hold of.
4. Antifreeze
As the temperature drops toward the end of the season, spilled antifreeze on the ground becomes a real problem for pet owners. Radiators from cars start to break and leak, leaving fluid that’s easily accessible to pets. If your pup doesn’t step in it, there’s still a chance that they might try to lick it up, due to its sweet smell and taste, and that will cause…
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