New Yorkers can save almost $1K on heat through Gov. Hochul’s new HEAP program

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — New Yorkers in low- and middle-income households can save nearly $1,000 on heat in their home through a state benefit that recently opened.

Gov. Kathy Hochul’s Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) can provide more than $900 to households with monthly incomes as high as $9,532 for a household size of 13.

If you are eligible, you may receive one regular HEAP benefit per program year to help you pay for heating your home. New Yorkers are able to apply for the program, which most recently opened on Nov. 1, to receive the benefit. The state calculates the benefit depending on income, household size, how the home is heated, and if the household contains a vulnerable member.

Here are the base benefit amounts, depending on the living situation:

  • Eligible households who live in government subsidized housing or a group home setting with heat included in their rent — $21
  • Eligible households who have heating costs included as part of their rent – $45 or $50
  • Eligible households whose primary heat is electricity or natural gas and who make direct payments based on their household’s actual usage to the vendor — $400 + applicable add-ons
  • Eligible households whose primary heat is wood, wood pellets, coal, corn or other deliverable fuel and who make direct payments to the vendor for heating costs — $635 + applicable add-ons
  • Eligible households whose primary heat is oil, kerosene, or propane and who make direct payments to the vendor for heating costs — $900 + applicable add-ons

The amount of the base regular benefit will be increased by $41 if the household’s gross income is in the Tier 1 income range — which means the household’s gross income must be at or below 130% of federal poverty level for the household size; or at least one adult household member must be in receipt of ongoing assistance through Temporary Assistance (TA), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or code A SSI.

The amount of the base regular benefit will also be…

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