Richmond County Fair Blue ribbon winners for Best Garden Produce Contest

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — Good gourds and wholly tomatoes! The garden bounties of the borough took the stage as a prelude to the 2023 Richmond County Fair.

Arlo Phillips was Gourd category winner. (Staten Island Advance/Pamela Silvestri)

According to produce contest rules, “Produce will be independently adjudicated on the basis of appearance, weight and size.”

Specimens were allowed to be submitted on a plate, box or container, then transferred to a labeled display plate.

Produce Garden Contets

Ron Laub took top prize for his bell pepper, San Marzano tomato and hefty tomato submissions. (Staten Island Advance/Pamela Silvestri)

Judges were Historic Richmond Town’s Manager of Visitor Services Grace Selogy, botanist Alan Pieluszynski and yours truly. Winners received a blue ribbon and the privilege of winning.

The champ fruits and veggies can be ogled in the Richmond County Courthouse on the first floor.

The county fair takes place at Historic Richmond Town through Labor Day weekend with extended hours from noon to 8 p.m.

Produce Garden Contets

Maria Traboise’s excellent eggplant (Staten Island Advance/Pamela Silvestri)

Here are the 2023 champs:

Beans (including peas) — Nancy Zawada

Cherry tomato — Nancy Zawada

Cucumber — Nancy Zawada

Eggplant — Maria Traboise

Gourd — Arlo Phillips for a smashing pumpkin

Pepper — Ron Laub

San Marzano tomato — Ron Laub

Tomato — Rob Laub with a juicy specimen weighing in a .765 lbs.

Produce Garden Contets

From left to right, botanist and judge Alan Pieluszynski, Nancy Zawada and Grace Selogy of Historic Richmond Town, the latter also a judge. Here Zawada learns of her Best In Show status. (Staten Island Advance/Pamela Silvestri)

BEST IN SHOW — Nancy Zawada

Pamela Silvestri is Advance Food Editor. She can be reached at [email protected].

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