Sports world’s loudest Trump supporter is bailing: ‘He will lose’

It wasn’t long ago that Mike Francesa was a conductor on the Trump train, screaming, “All aboard!” as he raved on WFAN about the man who would change the course of American history.

Having a businessman running the country would be great, he told his audience. Fumigating the White House and ridding it of all those corrupt politicians would — say it with me now — “Make America Great Again.” The United States had never seen the likes of Donald Trump, who would solve America’s problems like no other politician could, Francesa said.

“His ego will not let him do anything but a good job,” Francesa insisted.

“You want someone driven in there that will do a good job,” he said. “Because we need to fix things fast. Our infrastructure is a joke. I want a builder. The guy’s a builder. Our infrastructure is a joke. Our airports are a joke. Our rail systems a joke. It’s got to change.”

With Trump, we’ll have “a beautiful country in 20 to 30 years for our kids,” he said.

But Francesa blasted the president’s inept handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, and when Trump tried to burn down the Capitol and the U.S. democracy with it, Francesa tweeted: “This is a national disgrace.”

On his podcast this week, Francesa officially jumped off the 2024 train — as Trump faces indictments from federal prosecutors and prosecutors in New York, with more likely coming from the feds and in Georgia and possibly New Jersey.

“I don’t know if the people who will vote – remember the staunch diehards are the people who vote in the primaries – those are your diehard members of your party,” Francesa said via Awful Announcing. “I don’t know if enough of them have come away from Trump to where someone else can win. And really, you’re talking about one person winning right now. The other candidates, none of them have a chance to win.”

Francesa seems to believe Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has the best shot at winning the presidency, despite a flailing…

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