STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — In remembrance of those who have died, here is a compilation of obituaries posted on Viewing times and guest books can be seen here.
Executive Director of Beachbrook Therapeutic Nursery School, Dr. Joan Elaine Schenck Prideaux, who was also a loving mother, grandmother, sister, aunt and friend, died on June 26, 2023, surrounded by family members. Joan was born in Brooklyn to parents Henrietta (Juner) Schenck, and Abraham Schenck. She attended Lincoln High School in Brooklyn, and earned a Bachelor’s Degree from the College of Staten Island. In 1981, Joan earned a Doctor of Philosophy Degree from The Union Institute in Cincinnati, Ohio.Joan was a child prodigy, classical pianist, who was frequently written up in the NY Times. As an adult she gave piano lessons to many children and adults. For the full obituary, click here.
Maria Romano, 93, passed on Friday, June 30, 2023, at home.Maria was born in Rockaway, New Jersey on March 14, 1930, and the family moved to Manhattan when she was a child.Maria met the love of her life, John, when just a teenager at Midland Beach. They were married for 51 years. For the full obituary, click here.
Philanthropist Jivinda (K.J.) de Silva, a native of Ambalangoda, Sri Lanka, who oversaw the building of 132 houses for Sri Lankan victims of the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami, has died. He spent his career in transportation engineering and management, first with the Ceylon Government Railway and later with the New York City Transit Authority, Metropolitan Transportation Authority, where he rose to be a superintendent over a distinguished 24-year career. His dedication to others, belief in the power of education and love of children were lifelong. For the full obituary, click here.
Orlando L. Manfredi MD, 98, of Ponce Inlet, F.L., and Pawling, N.Y., died June 30, 2023, peacefully at home, surrounded by family. In 1942, he joined the Navy, proudly serving on the USS Briareus, until his…
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