Staten Island school evacuated Monday after high natural gas reading prompts emergency response

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — Multiple emergency units responded and an evacuation ensued Monday afternoon after a high natural gas reading was taken at a public school in Midland Beach.

A gas odor coming from the cellar was reported around 11:20 a.m. at 333 Midland Ave., the George L. Egbert Intermediate School (I.S. 2), according to a spokesman for the New York City Fire Department.

According to the FDNY spokesperson, a gas reading taken in the building then required a precautionary evacuation.

The FDNY said the reading measured “10% LEL.” According to documentation from the Metropolitan Fire Marshals Association, “[m]ost LEL (Lower Explosive Level) combustible gas indicators sound an audible alarm at 10% LEL. 10% LEL equates to 1/2 % natural gas.

“If an LEL CGI [combustible gas indicator] alarms or reads 10% at any time in the FREE AIR (unconfined area) in any part of the building, evacuate the building.”

The school was temporarily evacuated and one minor injury was reported, the spokesman said.

The FDNY said the impacted areas were vented, and National Grid responded to resolve the incident. By 12:32, the levels were “down to 0,” the spokesperson said.

A reporter at the scene of the incident around 12:45 p.m. observed a school alarm blaring. It was not immediately clear if a summer school class was in session at the time of the incident, although the FDNY spokesman said “kids” were allowed back into the school after the issue was resolved.

The Department of Education did not respond to a request for information on the incident.

The FDNY spokesman said the incident was resolved at 1:04 p.m.

This is a breaking news story. More information will be reported when it becomes available.

A smell of gas at I.S. 2 prompted a large FDNY response. July 31, 2023. (Shaina McLawrence/The Staten Island Advance)Shaina McLawrence


A smell of gas at I.S. 2 prompted a large FDNY response. July 31, 2023. (Shaina McLawrence/The Staten Island Advance)Shaina McLawrence


A smell…

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