Staten Island students explore community journalism through partnership with the Advance/

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — Young student journalists have been bringing their voice to a broader audience than their school community with the help of the Staten Island Advance/

The Advance/ and Curtis High School, St. George, partnered once again this year to offer an e-mentor program designed to help young people explore the world of journalism, photography and social media.

“After our first year mentoring Curtis High School students – working with an incredible group that included last year’s valedictorian, a current Harvard-bound senior and a gifted photographer who is now a regular contributor to – we could not wait to dig into a second year of the program,” said Gail Lubin, content director at the Advance/

Driving forces behind the collaboration are English teacher Michael Danza and English and journalism teacher Cadence Turner — who also created the Curtis Journalism Program, in which students learn about news literacy, multi-platform products, videography, photography, print journalism and more to become citizen journalists.

Teacher Cadence Turner created the Curtis Journalism Program, in which students learn about news literacy, multi-platform products, videography, photography, print journalism and more. (Charlotte Togba for the Staten Island Advance)

Staff at the local newspaper have volunteered to act as mentors, paired with students based on their interests to work on a project they are passionate about, write stories that would appeal to the Staten Island community, take photographs of local hot spots, and learn the ins and outs of social media.

“We are so pleased to work with high school students who have an interest in journalism,” said Brian Laline, executive editor of the Advance/ “At a time when there’s so much talk about ‘fake news,’ it’s important that our youth discover what real journalism is all about. I’m proud of our team. Reporters and photographers, who already…

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