The city failed Jordan Neely (letter to the editor)

All human life is precious. The untimely death of mentally impaired homeless Jordan Neely is now being politicized by unruly violent street protestors.

And for only one reason: Neely was black and his death was allegedly caused by a white man. These same protestors were mum when other victims were thrown under trains. But now they chant โ€œburn the city downโ€. Now, if a subway rider is being threatened by a maniacal person, they will think twice before protecting themselves.

Neely, with 42 arrests, sought medical treatment, but the city failed him. Mayor Adams was spot-on in saying let attorneyโ€™s office investigate and determine the outcome without undue influence of the mobs.

We donโ€™t need ignorant knuckleheads running amok threatening the city.

(Joseph Valente is a Dongan Hills resident.)

Read the full article here


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