Bronx-based musician July Quin on new album, performing at Rockwood Music Hall and more

A Bronx-based musician is making his mark on New York City’s music scene. 

July Quin got his start in music at 16 years old after noticing that a friend of his was filling his notebook with rhymes during math class. After working with him, Quin went hard into making music, even utilizing another friend’s makeshift studio to record.

“I guess because of how interested I was, he told me all the little secrets that he knew at the time, giving me like tips on what type of microphones to buy and what type of programs to use,” said Quin. 

Quin took those skills and made his own home space, which is where he continues to make his music himself. He recently signed on with the Bronx’s own The Fox and King, Quin tries to keep a home-grown element to everything he does. 

“Literally the same room that I’m in right now is like the room that I’ve been in for years and years making every single piece of content and every single sound, music, engineering, mixing and producing stuff. Everything is literally been in this room for the last 10-12 years,” said Quin.

On April 16, Quin dropped his newest album, “All My Heroes Are Mortal.” The album came together over the course of two weeks, when Quin was on break from his day job.

“I’m one of those people that when I get an idea in my head, it’s kind of hard to shake it loose. If I’m gonna do doing, I’m gonna do something,” said Quin. “A lot of things were happening right for me at the time, and I felt a sense of extreme joy in my life. I feel like a lot of my art has come from very dark and depressive states, which isn’t a bad thing, but I wanted the next project that I worked on to not be so much and looking towards the future.”

The album draws on that positivity while also reflecting on the darker times. Coming out of those depressing moments is in part how the album got its name in the first place.

“The overall message ended up being that, I’ve seen a lot of ‘normal’ people pull…

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