BBC World Service – Newshour, Over 1000 known to have been killed in Morocco quake




Morocco has declared three days of national mourning for victims of last night’s quake

Morocco has declared three days of national mourning for the victims of last night’s earthquake. So far more than 1000 people are known to have died, with reports of entire villages being razed to the ground. We hear from eye witnesses, a relief worker and a doctor.

Also in the programme: the star conductor who opened and closed London’s Prom concerts says sexism is still rife in the classical music world; and a human rights campaigner from Bahrain tells us why she’s risking her freedom to try to save her father.

Photo: A room damaged by a powerful earthquake in the village of Tansghart in the Asni area, Morocco Credit: Reuters/Abdelhak Balhaki

Read the full article here


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