Brooklyn’s legal community embraces tradition and joy at annual Purim celebration

The Brooklyn legal scene came alive with color, costumes and camaraderie as the Brooklyn Brandeis Society, in collaboration with the Chabad Tzedek Society and Rabbi Raskin, hosted its cherished annual Purim Party at the Brooklyn Bar Association on Wednesday, March 20. This yearly event, eagerly anticipated by local judges and attorneys, unfolded in the heart of Brooklyn Heights, transforming the BBA building into a vibrant space of celebration.

Rabbi Eliyahu Raskin, at the heart of the festivities, shared enriching tales of Purim’s past, bringing to life the historical and spiritual essence of the holiday. With the legal community dressed in an array of imaginative costumes, the atmosphere was one of pure joy and unity, reflecting Purim’s message of salvation and hope.

Michele Rabinovitch, a representative from the Jewish National Fund, took the stage to highlight the importance of an initiative close to the society’s heart: the tree planting drive. Rabinovitch eloquently spoke about how this endeavor not only symbolizes growth and renewal but also represents a tangible contribution towards environmental sustainability. The Brooklyn Brandeis Society is helping by sponsoring this drive.