Can Bass Pro Shops Teach Grocery Stores Something? «



Dan Pashman: Are we in the salad spinner, or do we spin the salad spinner? Still a lot of kinks to work out in this format, I think.

Amanda Mull: Yeah, a little bit of logistics to, to determine …

Dan Pashman: Yeah. [LAUGHS]

Doug Mack: Is it like a tilt a whirl?

Amanda Mull: I think I like the idea of “in the spinner”.

Doug Mack: absolutely. It sounds more chaotic and therefore more fun

Dan Pashman: All right. All right, this sounds good.


Dan Pashman: This is The Sporkful, it’s not for foodies, it’s for eaters. I’m Dan Pashman. Each week on our show, we obsess about food to learn more about people. Today, we’re bringing you another edition of our rapid fire roundtable discussion of the latest food news, from significant to silly, surprising to strange. Yes, it’s time to crank up … The salad spinner.


Dan Pashman: Joining me in the spinner are two very special guests. First, right here in studio, we have returning guest Amanda Mull, a staff writer at The Atlantic who covers health and American consumerism. Hey, Amanda.

Amanda Mull: Hi.

Dan Pashman: And joining us from Minneapolis, or to be more precise, St. Paul, we have Doug Mack, a travel and food writer who’s the author of The Not Quite States of America, and creator of the newsletter Snackstack, in which he digs into the cultural history of snacks around the world. Hello, Doug!

Doug Mack: Hello!

Dan Pashman: So I’ve asked each of you to bring some stories to share to sort of throw into the salad spinner and spin with us. Then later we’re going to do a lightning round, but I promise at the end I won’t tell either of you to pack up your knives and go. You ready?

Amanda Mull: Yeah.

Doug Mack: Yes!


Dan Pashman: All right, Amanda, why don’t you get us started? You wrote a story about Bass Pro Shops, the chain retailer that sells fishing and hunting equipment, along with outdoor gear. Now when I read your story about Bass Pro Shops, it actually made me…

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