David Remnick on National Politics and the New Yorker Festival; NYC's Lopsided Unemployment Rate; College Rankings and Admissions Today



Coming up on today’s show:

    David Remnick, editor of The New Yorker and the host of The New Yorker Radio Hour podcast, talks about this year’s New Yorker Festival and current politics.
    The unemployment rate for Black New Yorkers remains startlingly and consistently high (12% in May), especially when compared to white New Yorkers (1.3%). Greg David, contributor covering fiscal and economic issues for THE CITY, director of the business and economics reporting program at the Newmark Graduate School of Journalism and the author of Modern New York: The Life and Economics of a City (St. Martin’s Press, 2012), and Safiyah Riddle, an intern for THE CITY from CUNY’s Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism, talk about this major disparity and what policymakers are doing to address it.
    Susan Dominus, staff writer for The New York Times Magazine, explains why many colleges have for years been operating under an unofficial affirmative action policy… for men, and Liam Knox, admissions and enrollment reporter for Inside Higher Ed, talks about the changes to the U.S. News and World Report’s college ranking system and how it affected where different schools fell on the influential list.

Transcripts are posted to each segment as they become available. 



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