Donald Trump’s most infamous words about being able to molest women when you’re a “star” were used against him Monday as a Manhattan jury was asked to hold him legally accountable for raping E. Jean Carroll 25 years ago and defaming her when she spoke out.
In her closing argument, Carroll’s attorney Roberta Kaplan said her client presented “credible” and “consistent” testimony, while Trump “didn’t even bother to show up” at his trial.
Kaplan said the jurors nevertheless got to see him on video and once more played the notorious “Access Hollywood” tape, in which Trump bragged about sexually assaulting women.
“He grabbed her — using his words — ‘by the p—y,’” Kaplan said.
Kaplan pointed out that Trump defended his comments in his deposition last year when he told her it was “historically” true, “fortunately or unfortunately,” asking the panel what type of person would use the word “fortunately” to describe sexual assault.
“That’s who Donald Trump is. That is how he thinks. And that is what he does. He thinks stars like him can get away with it,” Kaplan said. “He thinks he can get away with it here.”
Carroll, 79, alleges Trump raped her inside a Bergdorf Goodman changing room about 25 years ago and defamed her when she accused him of raping her decades later. The panel is set to begin deliberating after Judge Kaplan charges them on Tuesday.
Trump didn’t put on a defense case or choose to testify, despite telling reporters in Ireland last week that he was cutting his trip short to come back and “confront” his accuser. The judge gave him a chance to reopen his case after learning of his comments.
The former president’s lawyers have sought to discredit Carroll and her friends who testified that she confided in them, Lisa Birnbach and Carol Martin, claiming they schemed to destroy him politically. Kaplan said his defense was that there is a “vast conspiracy against him.”

“In order to win, Trump needs…
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