Heartbroken mom of drowned NYC boy says the story is more sinister than the NYPD’s version

The distraught mother of one of two boys who died after falling into the Harlem River May 12 is challenging the unfolding story about the tragedy and believes the NYPD needs to look harder at the other boys who were down by the river that day.

Accounts vary of the events that led to the deaths of 13-year-old Garrett Warren and Alfa Barrie, 11.

The NYPD says the two boys went down to the river to skip stones and were engaged in horseplay when they fell in. Some media reports have the much larger Garrett pushing Alfa in, though there’s been no indication of any malicious intent.

But Garrett’s mom, Dayshell Moore, told the Daily News she suspects something more sinister may have been going on.

“Boys from Harlem don’t skip rocks,” she said.

Moore said she has spoken with another teenage boy who was with Garrett and Alfa, along with others in the neighborhood. Based on those conversations, she believes the skipping rocks and horseplay story is just that — a story — and actually there was fighting going on.

(L-R) Alfa Barrie and Garrett Warren

She is calling on the NYPD to step up their investigations and make arrests. Moore said that police have not responded to her calls so she has taken it on herself to investigate what actually happened.

About 50 people showed up at a rally Friday evening outside the Brigadier General Charles Young Playground, where the boys were last seen before they disappeared.

“Everything they are trying to spin to make my son look bad is a lie,” Moore said. She said the size of the crowd at the event “shows how my son was loved.”

Scores of friends and family release tribute balloons at the vigil held Friday for Garrett Warren at General Charles Young Park on W. 143rd St. in Harlem.

Police say that the case is still open and they’re asking for anyone with video or knowledge of what happened to come forward and share it with them.

Garrett’s body was found on May 18, floating in the Harlem River by the Madison Avenue Bridge. Alfa was discovered two days later on the other side of Manhattan, floating in the Hudson River near W. 102nd St.

Front page for May 21, 2023

“We want to find out exactly what occurred on that river,” NYPD Chief James…

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