New York City landlords are adding thousands of addresses to a list that will keep tourists from crashing in their apartment buildings under a new anti-Airbnb law.
The measure allows property owners and managers to register on a โProhibited Building Listโ confirming short-term rental bans as a condition of their tenantsโ lease or residency agreements, forcing Airbnb and other platforms to block listings at the address. So far, the database features more than 8,700 buildings, according to records obtained by Gothamist via a freedom of information request.
The properties range from Midtown skyscrapers to two-story homes in Rockaway Beach. More than half are located in Manhattan, which is home to the city’s highest concentration of Airbnb listings, according to data from Inside Airbnb, an independent group that advocates tighter regulations on short-term rentals.
Point locations may be slightly off due to the geocoding tool used. More addresses have been added to the Prohibited Building List since this map was created.
New York City is home to over 40,000 Airbnb listings, but only about a quarter are booked on a regular basis. Local lawmakers estimate that up to 10,000 short-term listings are illegal under city laws that ban the rental of full apartments for fewer than 30 days.
The city enacted a measure known as Local Law 18 in 2022 that requires hosts to register their short-term rental properties with the Mayorโs Office of Special Enforcement. The measure is intended to stop Airbnb and other short-term rental companies from listing whole apartments on their platforms, a practice that housing advocates say removes thousands of apartments from the cityโs already limited housing stock. Some owners have turned buildings into illegal hotels, earning…
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