Italian-American heritage takes center stage in appellate division event

In a celebration of Italian-American heritage, the Appellate Division, Second Department, recently hosted “Italian Americans: Who We Were and Who We Are,” a distinguished event presented by Presiding Justice Hector LaSalle, Hon. Joseph Maltese and the associate justices on Wednesday, March 13.

The enlightening session, sponsored by the Columbian Lawyers Association of Brooklyn, took place at the Appellate Courthouse in Brooklyn Heights and drew attention to the significant contributions and evolving identity of Italian Americans.

The event featured a compelling lecture by Professor Anthony Tamburri, PhD, Dean of the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute at Queens College. With a rich academic background in Italian and Spanish studies, Professor Tamburri highlighted the importance of fostering Italian culture and academic study as vital to preserving Italian-American heritage.

The program commenced with opening remarks by Justice Maltese, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Lt. Tiffany Chambers and an invocation by Fr. Sean Connolly. The event not only celebrated Italian American achievements but also provided an educational platform for understanding the intricate dynamics of Italian American identity through time.

The Columbian Lawyers Association of Brooklyn, since its inception in 1966, has played a crucial role in bringing together Italian American legal professionals to share experiences and insights. This organization has grown to become a significant entity within the New York State legal community, hosting various educational and social events throughout the year.

This gathering emphasized the critical role of educational initiatives in keeping Italian American culture alive. Professor Tamburri’s discussion extended beyond historical contributions to consider the future of Italian-American studies, including efforts to develop comprehensive undergraduate and graduate programs at Queens College. He pleaded with attorneys to...

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