New Year’s Food Resolutions 2024 «




Aimee: Hello Sporkful eaters. My name is Aimee and I live in Austin, TX, U.S.A. My 2024 food resolution is to eat more holiday-specific foods during celebrations throughout the year. Vegetarian haggis on Robert Burns Day, king cake for Mardi Gras, Anzac biscuits in April, and of course, pie for Pi Day are a few of the foods I’ve added to my calendar. I love researching recipes, trying new ones, and sharing foods with friends and neighbors. I hope that by spreading out my food adventures throughout the year, I can connect more with my community and build a sense of celebration and gratitude lasting the entire year. Thank you so much for your podcast. I learn so much with every episode. Happy new year everybody!

Tressa: Hi, my name is Tressa, and I live in Winnipeg, Canada. In 2024, I resolve to eat more tahini. Tahini is phenomenally delicious, versatile, and convenient. There really is no excuse not to succeed at this. Most of my life, I did not know what tahini was or that it even existed. The first time I tried it, I was shocked to be transported back to childhood when my grandmothers would serve halva at Christmas and only at Christmas. Finding that same sesame flavour in tahini was a revelation. Obvious choices are to make sauces for falafel or salad dressings and it seems tahini brownie recipes are everywhere. I also want to try it on toast. I look forward to hearing what others vow to eat more of in 2024.

Becky: I’m Becky and I live in MA. And my new year’s resolution is that in the new year I resolve to eat more Rice Krispies treats. I recently made them for the first time in years and they were amazing. I’ve forgotten how much I loved them when I was a kid. I am very much not a kid anymore but you know what? Being a grown-up means that you can make your own Rice Krispies treats whenever you want and no one will yell at you for ruining your dinner. Thanks, and happy new year!


Dan Pashman: This is The Sporkful, it’s not for foodies…

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