NYC's Parking Landscape; Solutions to Housing Instability & Homelessness; Rainy Weekends: Weather or Climate?; The Legacy of Staten Island's Landfill



Coming up on today’s show:

    The price of parking meters is going up in Manhattan (other boroughs will soon follow suit). Henry Grabar, staff writer at Slate and the author of Paved Paradise: How Parking Explains the World (Penguin Press, 2023), and Rachel Weinberger, director, research strategy and Peter W. Herman Chair for Transportation at Regional Plan Association, talk about the parking landscape in New York City, including why so many streets have free parking, the amount of drivers fighting for limited spots and their suggested changes to the whole system.
    Kirsten Gillibrand, U.S. Senator (D NY), talks about her work in Washington and more.
    In this week’s Climate Story of the Week, Andrew Kruczkiewicz, senior researcher at the International Research Institute for Climate and Society and a faculty lecturer at Columbia University’s Climate School, talks about the weekend rainouts and whether climate change plays a role.
    Fresh Kills – the former landfill on Staten Island – is now a park. Tom Wrobleski, senior opinion writer at the Staten Island Advance, talks about the history of the dump, how it affected Staten Islanders’ perceptions of their home borough and their relationship to the rest of the city. Plus, he reports on the first portion of the park, which just opened.

Transcripts are posted to each segment as they become available.

Read the full article here


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