Should you go back to school? Here’s how to decide




Two people stand next to large versions of a diploma, graduation cap, and book. Red price tags are attached to the objects. One of the people has their hands on their head in dismay.

Difficult bosses, career changes, potential layoffs. From the logistical to the emotional, work can be full of challenging situations and dynamics.

And often, it can be hard to know who to turn to when dealing with career obstacles.

That’s why Life Kit asked Brandon Johnson, a certified professional career coach from Embrace Change, to answer a Life Kit listener’s question about when to step back from their career and focus on furthering their education. We’re only using the listener’s first name to protect their livelihood and career opportunities.

Going back to school

I’ve hit a wall in my line of work. When do I decide to step back from work to advance my education and therefore my earning potential? – Talia

Great question. It’s tough to determine when more education is necessary because it’s such a personal decision and many factors are involved.

Here are some questions to consider to help guide your decision:

Do I have the necessary resources to make this happen?

How will further education impact your resources (time, money, energy, etc.)? Is that impact acceptable to you? For example, if you have to take out loans to cover your expenses, you might want to get clear on how much debt you’re willing to take on to get that degree.

What options make the most sense?

You may be better served by professional certificates, conferences, or boot camps, instead of a college degree. Wait until you’ve done some research and know what would best suit you. Reach out to your network to see if you can identify people who are already in the positions you aspire to be in. Ask them what types of training programs they would recommend.

Do I know what to go back to school for?

What type of program/degree would best serve your interests? Not all education programs will do…

Read the full article here


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