Trio arrested for stray-bullet shooting of Egyptian father in NYC

Police arrested three men who they believe were responsible for the stray-bullet murder of an Egyptian father visiting his son in New York City.

Reaham Steed, 23, Jonadel Lakard, 22, both of Inwood and Kelwin Sanchez, 19, of Yonkers, were busted Wednesday and charged with murder, assault and illegal weapons possession for the May 23 shooting of Reda Girgis, 66, outside the ChopCheese deli on Broadway and W. 162nd St.

Girgis had flown into the city three days before to visit his son who worked at the Washington Heights deli. He was outside the shop talking on his cell phone when a gunman in a grey Audi SUV started firing toward the crowded sidewalk at 7:11 p.m. The murder was captured on video surveillance.

A police source said that the men were members of the 200 EOD street gang and were shooting at a rival on the corner when a bullet struck the victim in the head.

Homicide suspect, Jonadel Lakard, 23, is taken, by detectives,  from the 33 precinct on June 7, 2023

A clerk at the deli tried to save the man.

โ€œI had him in my arms and I wanted to put pressure to stop the blood and people just kept walking by. I couldnโ€™t do anything,โ€ Gamal Abouelezz said.

Girgis died a short time later in the Metropolitan Hospital.

Homicide suspect, Kelwin Sanchez, 19, is taken, by detectives, , from the 33 precinct on June 7, 2023

Detectives combed through surveillance footage in uptown until they were able to identify three men who they believe were responsible for the murder, according to police.

The suspects said nothing outside the 33rd Precinct stationhouse as they were transported to a cop car on their way to their arraignment.

Two of the suspects live in the same building, though police could not say what their relationship is.

Read the full article here


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