Uncertainty looms for future aid to Ukraine and Israel as speaker drama continues

As the search for a speaker continues, some House Republicans are already casting doubt over the future of the administration’s $105 billion security supplemental request for aid to Ukraine, Israel, the southern border and Taiwan, a major issue that any future speaker will have to contend with.

A number of Republican rank-and-file members in the House have made clear that the administration’s request won’t survive their chamber without changes and many House Republicans have already said that additional funding for border security isn’t enough without a policy overhaul, which would likely be a red line for many Senate Democrats.

“This is a hell no. And no one in the House GOP should support it. It’s asinine, unpaid for, ineffective and dangerous,” Rep. Chip Roy of Texas posted on X about the supplemental request.

Other Republicans who support parts of the request blasted the administration for trying to tie Israel funding to funding for Ukraine, which has seen cratering support in recent months.

“Israel deserves to have a conversation that is devoted to them right now,” Republican Rep. Mike Garcia of California, a defense appropriator, told CNN. “We need to strip out the Ukraine funding and we need to give the Israeli partners the respect they deserve.”

Even those who have backed Ukraine aid and have pledged to support it in the future want to understand why the administration is asking for so much.

“It seems like a lot,” Rep. Don Bacon of Nebraska said. “I’d like to see the breakout of the needs. I want to support it, but that seems like a lot of money.”

There is broad bipartisan support for Ukraine, but funding the military efforts there has become a flashpoint for conservatives and an issue that will likely bedevil a future speaker just as it had former Speaker Kevin McCarthy. The administration’s…

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