Mike Eilenberg’s life is full of luck — some good, some bad

Mike Eilenberg. Photo courtesy of Tammara Eilenberg

Call it fate. Perhaps destiny. Or just luck.

Maybe all three – but perhaps Mike Eilenberg was meant to move to “Sin City.”

“I’ve been [in Las Vegas] 40 years,” the 79-year-old former New Utrecht High School basketball star told the Brooklyn Eagle. “I always rolled the dice, when I played and coached.”

He sure did. After a career which saw him place on the All-Brooklyn Second Team as a Utrecht senior, he was ready for the bright lights. So, he thought.

“I remember my very first game as a sophomore at Utrecht,” he said. “It was against Erasmus Hall, and they had Billly Cunningham, who later starred at North Carolina and in the NBA.”

The 6-4 sophomore – Eilenberg – scored 20 in that game. But there was only one problem.

“I was 6-4 when I was 13 years old,” he said. “And I never grew another inch. In fact,” he recalled, “Programs listed me at 6-6. They figured I had to have grown.”

It was not easy playing center at 6-4 in the Brooklyn Public Schools Athletic League (PSAL).
As for college, Mike Eilenberg needed more luck than skill.

“We were playing James Madison in our last game of the season for the Division championship,” he remembered like it was yesterday. “And we lost in overtime.”

Luck? Try this.

That Madison High team boasted Joel Hoffman and Bruce Kaplan as their stars —but Roy Rubin, the then LIU basketball coach was in the stands and offered Eilenberg a scholarship after the game.

As a freshman, the kid from 67th Street and 18th Avenue averaged 20 points-per-game and 15 rebounds – freshmen did not play on the varsity back then.
But then it was luck – bad luck – that entered the picture.

“I was injured most of my sophomore and junior years,” he said, “But in my senior year I started four or five games, got about 20-a-game, and….”

Guess what?

Injuries again.

“I was kneed in my thigh, buy a teammate, and couldn’t run much,” he said.
Yes, it…

Read the full article here


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