They targeted drunken drivers, but troopers caught plenty of speeders, too

ALBANY — State Police wrote nearly 13,000 tickets during an anti-drunken driving campaign that stretched from June 30 to Wednesday.

The effort targeted dangerous driving during the period around the July 4 celebration. While State Police said the effort was aimed largely at drunken driving, the largest number of tickets — 4,671 — were issued for speeding. More than 1,000 drivers were ticketed for seatbelt violations.

During the six-day campaign, State Police said they used sobriety checkpoints, added patrols aimed at ferreting out drunken drivers and emphasized ticketing for distracted drivers who used handheld electronic devices. 

The total number of tickets issued, 12,991, increased from last year when the troopers wrote 12,160 tickets. 

Statewide, the troopers arrested 193 people on driving while intoxicated charges. They investigated 949 crashes, including 158 that caused injuries and five that left people dead.

In the Capital Region, 15 people were charged with DWI and 17 were ticketed 

The most common infractions were speeding and seatbelt violations. In the Capital Region, 333 tickets were written for speeding and another 98 for failure to use seatbelts or other restraints on children.

In the upper Hudson Valley, 31 people were charged with drunken driving and 358 were ticketed for speeding. In the lower part of the Hudson Valley, 32 people faced drunken driving charges and 653 were charged with speeding.

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