Ask Amy: Moving forward after a painful truth in the midst of grief

Dear Amy: I was with my boyfriend for four years.

We lived together the entire time.

He was my soul mate and stepped in to be the dad in my kidsโ€™ lives (I have three children from my previous marriage).

I thought everything was amazing and that he was my partner in life.

He died two weeks ago. Because we werenโ€™t married, I couldnโ€™t be the person to make the arrangements. His motherโ€™s family immediately started blocking me from any involvement in the funeral.

He was always protective of his phone and kept it locked.

He stated that this was because of a past experience heโ€™d had with personal information that was spread online.

Well, after his death I had to access his phone in hopes of locating a will, wishes or anything to support getting him put to rest.

I didnโ€™t find any of that, but I did find intimate conversations heโ€™d had with multiple women that were very sexual in nature.

Iโ€™m talking about pictures, Facebook Messenger, and phone calls spanning the ENTIRE time we were together.

I now feel devastated and disrespected.

How do I grieve the man I was in love with when he was living a double life?

I donโ€™t know if he actually had sex with these women, or if it was entirely virtual in nature, but Iโ€™m not sure if it even matters.

I know he loved me, but he wasnโ€™t the man I thought he was.

How can I mourn and move on when I am hit with this whirlwind?

โ€“ Shock of Reality

Dear Shock: The famous five stages of grief are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. You might find yourself moving straight into the โ€œangerโ€ stage and staying there for a while.

Given the way this manโ€™s family rejected and prevented you from participating in the funeral, as well as the evidence youโ€™ve uncovered, you quite naturally feel betrayed.

My instinct is that even though you say you were looking for a will on his phone, you might have (subliminally) been looking for pretty much what you found.

And now, you must deal with your children in the very best way you…

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