Dear Annie: An alternative to taking away an elderly person’s keys

Dear Annie: I saw your column where the person who wrote to you was trying to stop an older driver from getting behind the wheel of a car.

My sister had a great solution to the same problem.

Mom (80-plus at the time) went away for a few days, and when she returned, my sister introduced her to “Penny” and said, “You remember Penny? She will drive you wherever you want to go.” She was lucky enough to have someone Mom was familiar with, but that was pre-ride-share services.

  • READ MORE: Dear Annie: Empty nester realizes his wife doesn’t make him happy

I would recommend saying the following to one’s elderly parents: “Hi Mom/Dad. This is your Lyft/Uber app. I/we set up an account for you. Here’s how to use it.” If your loved one is able to get behind the wheel, they can use the app.

Mom wasn’t happy, but “Penny” became a great asset for us and safety for Mom and the public! She died peacefully at 86, never injuring herself or anyone else. — Been There

Dear Been There: What a great solution. I hope your tips inspire others to do the same.

“How Can I Forgive My Cheating Partner?” is out now! Annie Lane’s second anthology — featuring favorite columns on marriage, infidelity, communication and reconciliation — is available as a paperback and e-book. Visit for more information. Send your questions for Annie Lane to [email protected].


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