Dear Annie: Sobriety success story

Dear Annie: My daughter shared your column with me this morning. The letter from the “Anonymous” husband of an alcoholic touched my daughter deeply, and it made me cry pretty hard. My daughter drank near-lethal quantities of alcohol every day for years. Three or four trips to rehab, AA, DUIs, etc. She is now one year sober and lives with me. She says that the following two things have saved her life:

— The love of her family.

— The PHP (Partial Hospitalization Program) that included medication-assisted treatment and daily (virtual) psychiatrist visits.

I want “Anonymous” to know that I am praying for him and his family. Your wife is still there, under the alcohol. The medications work, and with your support, there is hope. — Anonymous Mom

Dear Anonymous Mom: Congratulations on your daughter’s sobriety. I can feel the kindness and love through your letter, and for that I am grateful, as I am sure anyone reading your words knows that they are not alone and there are people struggling with the same things. Thank you for writing.

Dear Annie: I’m writing about your response to the husband of an alcoholic wife. I have seen you answer others in the past regarding how Alcoholics Anonymous has helped a lot of people. In this case, I would highly recommend Al-Anon. While I’ve never been to a single Al-Anon meeting in my life, I have been to my share of AA meetings.

After 34 years of drinking and almost destroying my marriage, I went to AA and this time stayed there (it was not my first attempt). My wife went to Al-Anon, where she got to learn about life with an alcoholic. My last drink was on March 3, 2008. Nothing changes if nothing changes. — Sober in Arizona

Dear Sober: Congratulations on your sobriety. You never gave up and you succeeded and continue to succeed one day at a time.

Dear Annie: The letter from a husband with an alcoholic wife was of great interest to me personally.

First, he must know that there is help out there for him and for her. He simply…

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