Everyday Cheapskate: What do you need to be happy?

When a University of Michigan survey asked people what they believe would improve their quality of life and make them happy, the answer given most often was โ€œmore money.โ€

In the book โ€œThe Day America Told the Truth,โ€ James Patterson and Peter Kim asked, โ€œIf you could change one thing about your life what would it be?โ€ The No. 1 response, at 64 percent, was โ€œgreater wealth.โ€

More recently, a University of Southern California study found that greater wealth didnโ€™t translate into greater happiness for many of the 1,500 participants surveyed annually over three decades. USC economist Richard Easterlin said, โ€œMany people are under the illusion that the more money we make, the happier weโ€™ll be,โ€ but, according to the study, that isnโ€™t true.

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We know from other well-respected studies that fewer Americans are โ€œvery happyโ€ today than in the 1950s despite having far more money, bigger homes and more stuff. According to Statista, there were 3,000 shopping malls in this country in 1950, and by 2010 there were 107,773. We have more money, and we have more stuff, but clearly, greater affluence has not translated to greater happiness.

Are there any circumstances under which more money will bring happiness? The truth is that if you are living in poverty, having more money will make a positive difference in your quality of life, and, yes, you will be happier. But once your basic material needs are met, many experts agree that having more money might be nice but is not likely to make you a lot happier, if at all.

The problem is that most of us just donโ€™t know what we really believe about money. We canโ€™t live with it, but we canโ€™t live without it either. We think that more of it will fix all of our problems even though we prove month after month that we arenโ€™t very good at managing what we already have.

A recent gathering around the water cooler at Cheapskate…

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