Funeral Wednesday for 17-year-old Henninger grad killed on July 4

Syracuse, N.Y. — Calling hours and funeral services will be held Wednesday for a 17-year-old girl from Syracuse who was killed the night of July 4.

Calling hours for Karlianne Short are 10 a.m. to noon at Bethany Baptist Church, 149 Beattie St, with a funeral service following after.

The family is asking attendants wear Karlianne’s favorite colors: pink, blue, purple or white.

Karlianne was in a group of people outside a convenience store on East Fayette Street when she was shot in the back. She died at Crouse Hospital.

Karlianne had just graduated from Henninger High School, working hard to turn her grades around to get her diploma. Angela Short, Karlianne’s mother, said seeing her daughter graduate was “the second best day of my life.”

Staff writer Fernando Alba covers breaking news, crime and public safety. Have a tip, story idea, question or comment? Reach him: Email | Twitter or at 315-690-6950.

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