Man arrested for sexual abuse and rape against woman over a 10-day period, prosecutors say

Syracuse, N.Y. — A man was arrested Wednesday after sexually abusing a woman for a 10-day period, prosecutors said.

Ingo Martin, 31, started to abuse the victim on May 5, according to an indictment filed in County Court this week.

Martin used a gun to threaten the woman and forced her to perform oral sex on the first day, prosecutors said. He also had a “violent physical altercation” with her and injured her face and choked her until she became unconscious, prosecutors said.

He forced her to perform sex acts on him for several days and then raped her, prosecutors said. The abuse ended on May 15, they said.

Martin was charged with 12 counts of first-degree criminal sexual act, first-degree rape, third-degree assault, second-degree menacing, third-degree criminal possession of a weapon, and second-degree strangulation, prosecutors said.

Staff writer Rylee Kirk covers breaking news, crime and public safety. Have a tip, story idea, photo, question or comment? Reach her at 315-396-5961, on Twitter @kirk_rylee, or [email protected].

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