Motorcyclist dies after dog gets on road contributing to crash, police say

Utica, N.Y. — A motorcyclist died after a dog entered a road and then the motorcyclist crashed on Tuesday, police said.

Justin Knaperek, 43, of Clinton, was driving on Route 12 north near the Oriskany St Exit when a dog entered the road, said Lt. Michael Curley, a spokesperson for Utica Police.

Knaperek then hit a side barrier and crashed, Curley said. Officers found him dead on the road when they arrived, he said.

Some passing drivers stopped to try and help Knaperek, he said.

The cause of the crash is still under investigation, he said.

Staff writer Rylee Kirk covers breaking news, crime and public safety. Have a tip, story idea, photo, question or comment? Reach her at 315-396-5961, on Twitter @kirk_rylee, or [email protected].

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