See all homes sold in Tompkins County_NY, Dec. 30 to Jan. 5

The following is a listing of all real estate transfers in Tompkins County_NY reported from Dec. 30 to Jan 5. There were 20 transactions posted during this time. During this period, the median sale for the area was a 1,864-square-foot home on Highgate in Ithaca that sold for $323,630.


Jack Edward Est Alfreds and Short to Amelia Rosenthal, 225 Creamery Road, Brooktondale, $55,250.


Judy A Strobel to Nancy Ahlers and Reginald Blomfield brown, 1 Jay Street, Dryden, $225,000, 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom.

Carolyn J Good to Sonya Crutchfield, 5 Bridle Lane, Dryden, $280,000, 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.


Samuel C Rose and Cheryl M Rose to Michael Rose, 119 Chipman Corners Road, Groton, $130,000, 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.


Investor Ny Llc Housewife to Corey Ewanow, 111 Pennsylvania Avenue, Ithaca, $225,000, 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom.

Ramsey J Brous and Melissa A Burress to Jonathan Finlay and Tara Finlay, 846 Snyder Hill Road, Ithaca, $250,000, 4 bedrooms and 1 bathroom.

Arthur A Est Muk and Duthie to Jackie Folgar, 410 Warren Road, Ithaca, $270,000, 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom.

Sofia Gluck and Paul Cooper to Ronald Knewstub and Julie Kitson, 3252 Duboise Road, Ithaca, $320,000, 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.

David L Sirois to Audrey Wansink, 3 Highgate, Ithaca, $323,630, 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms.

Jennifer Coyle to Rachel Siegfried and Alicia Williams, 90 Marsh Road, Ithaca, $367,200, 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom.

Elsbet Servay to Bin Tang and Xin Chen, 76 Turkey Hill Road, Ithaca, $385,000, 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms.

Ishion I Hutchinson and Valzhyna M Hutchinson to Munoz saez Carolina P and Seth Saltiel, 209 Cobb Street, Ithaca, $414,000, 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.

Anthony Maranca to John Kryst and Erica Kryst, 1984 Ellis Hollow Road, Ithaca, $445,000, 6 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms.

David W Est Sprague and Guttman to Ellen Tarby and Jeffrey Bessmer, 109 Queen Street, Ithaca, $455,250, 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom.

Pedro R Erber to Timothy Fraser and Melanie Fraser,…

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