Sign up now for free DEC youth waterfowl and pheasant hunt in St. Lawrence County next week

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation police officers are partnering with the Massena Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation, and DEC Wildlife staff at Wilson Hill Wildlife Management Area, to offer junior hunters ages 12 to 15 an opportunity to hunt waterfowl and pheasant with ECOs.

Youth interested in participating need to sign up prior to Sept. 21. Contact Lt. Troy Basford at (315) 265-2757, or ECO Ian Helmer (315) 559-8503.

The hunt is a two-day event that begins with a classroom portion at the Massena Rod and Gun Club on Thursday, Sept. 21, followed by a hunt Saturday, Sept. 23.

WHAT: St. Lawrence County youth waterfowl and pheasant hunt

WHERE: Massena Rod and Gun Club, 155 Patterson Road, Massena, NY, 13662

COST: Free for youth ages 12-15

Educational Day: Thursday, Sept. 21, 2023, at 5:00 p.m.

Hunting Day: Saturday, Sept. 23, 2023

Interested youth hunters must possess a New York State small game hunting license and register with the Harvest Information Program (HIP). Equipment will be provided if necessary, and is sponsored by the New York Conservation Officers Association (NYCOA), the NWTF, and the St. Lawrence County Sportsmenโ€™s Federation.

Steve Featherstone covers the outdoors for The Post-Standard, and Contact him at [email protected] or on Twitter @featheroutdoors. You can also follow along with all of our outdoors content at or follow us on Facebook at

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