Syracuse convenience store robbed at gunpoint on Syracuse’s South Side

Syracuse, N.Y. – A convenience store on Syracuse’s South Side was robbed at gunpoint late Monday night, dispatchers said.

Around 11:50 p.m., police responded to a call that initially reported a possible shooting at Brighton Foods, according to Onondaga County 911 Center dispatches.

On scene, employees of the store told police they were robbed at gunpoint, according to the owner of the store.

Sam Eoakam, 34, of Syracuse, said he owns the store at 204 W Brighton Ave. He told | The Post Standard that two of his employees were working the night shift when two men with guns — resembling rifles — entered the store.

Eoakam said the two men, wearing ski masks, pointed the guns at his employees and demanded money. One man went behind the counter and took $2,000 from the cash register, he said.

The other man then hit his employee in the back of the head with a gun before they both took off running, Eoakman said. His employee, who was bleeding from the head, drove himself to Upstate University Hospital, he said.

Eoakman said he has owned Brighton Foods for nine years. The store was robbed and money was stolen from the same convenience store just two weeks ago, he said.

Four police cars and a crime scene van were parked on West Brighton Avenue. Brighton Foods closed early and will reopen at 8 a.m. Tuesday. has reached out to Syracuse police for information.

This story will be updated when more information becomes available.

Staff writer Darian Stevenson covers breaking news, crime and public safety. Have a tip, a story idea, a question or a comment? You can reach her at [email protected]

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