To the Editor:
It’s nauseating to see the letters that support the illegal entry of foreigners into our country (”Migrants are human beings, not stereotypes. I know because I’ve met them,” Feb. 9, 2024). Yes, they are human beings just like us and they are very welcome to enter this country, legally. To these sympathetic writers, does this mean that breaking the law is acceptable?
Opening our southern border to the entire world is irresponsible, unconstitutional and reeks of incompetence.
No person, no matter how nice they are, should be allowed enter our country while breaking the law. These people are not only here illegally, they are being treated better than our own, like our seniors, veterans and the poor. They are receiving free housing, healthcare and prepaid Visa cards. Nice people follow our laws, not break them!
There is no need for either the Senate or the House to legislate the disaster at our southern border. In reality, the only action needed is for President Biden to reinstate the Trump policies, like remain in Mexico, and complete the border wall to stop this invasion.
Fortunately, this is the No. 1 one issue in the country. Our national security is at stake and this fall, I am confident that the American voters will return Trump to the White House and he will put an immediate halt to this criminality.
Michael P. Russo
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