Auburn School District seeks public input on strengthening cellphone policy amid mental health concerns

The Auburn Enlarged City School District has announced plans for a public hearing aimed at reforming its electronic device policy, citing increasing concerns about the impact of cellphone use on studentsโ€™ mental health and learning abilities.

The hearing, scheduled for 5 p.m. on Tuesday, July 25 at the Harriet Tubman Administration Building, invites public perspectives on the matter, according to a district news release.

The current policy, which strictly prohibits personal electronic device use except for authorized instances, has proven difficult to enforce uniformly.

Board members, having deliberated over the widespread usage of cellphones in schools for years, hope to address this issue more effectively.

The boardโ€™s policy committee drafted proposed changes, presented them to a district stakeholder committee on July 3, and now seeks community input via the public hearing as the next step in the policy revision process.

Read the full article here


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