Ontario’s Casella Waste Services was found to have overpaid the town of Seneca by $12,383.74 in 2022, according to an audit conducted by EnSol Inc.
Since 2004, Casella has compensated Seneca for each ton of waste accepted at the Ontario County Landfill.
This overpayment anomaly was highlighted in the annual review which usually notes minimal discrepancies. It was first reported by the Finger Lakes Times this week.
While Casella’s 2022 payment to the town amounted to $2,066,465.27, a breakdown revealed that the company overcompensated by $13,260.78 in the first quarter, which was later adjusted by minor underpayments in subsequent quarters.
The overpaid amount was rectified in Seneca’s first-quarter payment of 2023.
FingerLakes1.com is the region’s leading all-digital news publication. The company was founded in 1998 and has been keeping residents informed for more than two decades. Have a lead? Send it to [email protected].
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