Audit: Yates officials miss mandatory sexual harassment training

An audit conducted in Yates County has revealed that out of 45 individuals, three elected officials, including the Sheriff and two Coroners, failed to complete the mandatory annual Sexual Harassment Prevention (SHP) Training.

The audit aimed to verify the completion of SHP Training by the countyโ€™s employees and elected officials for the period from January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021. The county, situated in the Finger Lakes region, is overseen by a 14-member elected board and an appointed County Administrator, responsible for county government administration as directed by the Legislature.

The key findings indicated that while the training was provided to both employees and elected officials, compliance was not universal among the tested individuals. The personnel officer, who holds the responsibility for providing and ensuring the completion of annual SHP Training, will need to address these lapses in attendance. The report recommends continuous monitoring of training completion and increased encouragement for elected officials to fulfill the training requirements, stressing the importance of adherence to sexual harassment prevention measures.

In response to the auditโ€™s findings and recommendations, county officials generally concurred and have signaled their intention to implement corrective action to ensure universal compliance with the training mandates. The adherence to SHP Training is crucial to maintain a safe and respectful working environment within the countyโ€™s institutions, and the corrective measures are a step towards upholding the standards of conduct within the countyโ€™s administration.

Read the full article here


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