Citing ‘serious obligations’ National Women’s Hall of Fame defends induction ceremony’s move from SF to NYC:

Leaders at the National Women’s Hall of Fame in Seneca Falls published an open letter after a pair of recent headlines drew criticism from some members of the community.

DiSanto Propane (Billboard)

The letter, authored by the Hall of Fame’s CEO Jennifer Gabriel, addressed the ‘mixed feelings’ after an announcement that the museum would be closing for the winter — and it’s 2024 induction ceremony would be moved to New York City.

The latter is an event that has been a mainstay in Seneca Falls for much of the Hall’s history. 

“News has broken, and by now you know that the National Women’s Hall of Fame plans to hold the 2024 Induction Ceremony in New York City in March,” Gabriel’s letter begins. “I knew this venue change would be met with mixed feelings in the community. Naturally when weighing this decision, my board of directors, staff and I certainly anticipated — and discussed at length — that our most loyal constituents might feel confused and disappointed by it. This was not a choice made lightly or impulsively, nor without our neighbors and supporters top of mind. Seneca Falls has been — and always will be — the home of the National Women’s Hall of Fame. It is well understood by me, the Board and our staff that the Hall would not exist, nor would have ever existed, without the tremendous support of both Seneca Falls and many Central New York communities.   Preserving the history of the region and securing the legacies of American women matters to us, just as much as it does to these generous benefactors and the community that houses the Hall.”

Gabriel says the stakes are high, and calls the Hall’s obligations ‘serious’. 

“For these very reasons, we have a serious obligation. This obligation includes protecting the substantial investment of time, talent and treasure that countless people in Central New York have made to the Hall over the past 50 years. We must ensure the long-term sustainability of this organization and not expect our…

Read the full article here


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