Editor’s Note: If you are a candidate and would like to be featured in this series send an email to [email protected] to schedule a time ahead of Election Day.
- If you’d like to see all of the candidates featured so far click here.
Today we continue our series previewing local, contested elections across the Finger Lakes as we sit down with one of the candidates for Cayuga County Clerk. Earlier this year longtime Clerk Sue Dwyer announced that she would not seek re-election. That has since set into motion a competitive race for the job. Kristine Lytle joined us via Zoom to discuss her candidacy, the most-important issues she sees facing the clerk’s office, and how she would work for the residents of Cayuga County to address them.
Check out our conversation with Lytle below or on YouTube, Spotify, or Apple Podcasts.

Josh is the publisher of FingerLakes1.com. Have a question? Send them to [email protected].
Read the full article here
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